Friday, August 28, 2009

It's Difficult to find Niche

I can built a niche blogger easily in Chinese , but it's difficult while in English.

Last week, I create a blogger talking about girls smoking and don't know it's adult topics. Most people want to say naked girls picture via this keyword.

All misunderstand are coming from culture and lifestyle.

According to my first thinking , I guess the topics about quit smoking and electronic cigarettes is valuable. So I keep going on finding niche in related range.

It's lucky that I can try some niche via

Saturday, August 22, 2009

VPN and Blogger

I have not update this blog for nearly three month, during the three months, my chinese blogger named wosoho run so good and it need more concerning.

Although it's not problem for me using proxy server such as ItsHidden, but there are some inconvenience that GFW blocked

By the way, if you are coming from Chinese and want to using, there are some suggest in how-to-do-while-blogger-be-blocked.

Today I would release new niche blogger named Girls Somking in in which you'll find some product for quiting somking.

At first, I'll spend three hours in optimization of this niche blogger, for example, it need new template and some modify in URL.

Do you need how to optimization your blogger? I write in Chinese and the post is blogger-optimization-for-make-money-online-free. I hope it's useful for you.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

video of my son

Today I have time to collating some video in DV finally.

At first I want to share those video in Youtube, but it looks like China Block Youtube still going on. in the end I have to upload it on, which are largest video shared site in China.

But I couldnot find that the speed uploading video in in China mainland is better than Youtube oversea.

You can find the video of my son in this url: And below object is newest video.

Friday, May 8, 2009

how to do without salary increase

Although I still in holiday for my baby, my collegue sent a message to me that the boss decide all staff's salary not to increase in the middle of year.

In accordance with the practice, everyone could get a chance to increase salary each year. I think the decivison is due to economic crisis.

How to do?

The first mind is make money online and soho, in fact I have the ability of make money at home. I could make money via website and blog. But the other fact is I could convince the family to understand my select, they hope I be stability and normal, it's clear that make money at home is not method they could accept.

I'm troubled by the same question, no one could make money online untill their website and blog in certain scale.

How to do?

soho or make money at home is my dream and I have enough time staying with my baby. I must work hard online for this target.

Before I leave this company, I still need hard work, it's my other duty.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How To Find Approving Hostting?

The title of this post just attract, I could not tell you how to find approving hostting, because I'm bother about my hostting.
I have try so many hostting service including Godaddy, but there still are a wide range of problem.
Maybe you think the Godaddy hostting is trustworthy, it's true, but it's not fitting for my acctually status, the viewers is Chinese and the language of my site is Chinese too, the slowly hostting could be forecasted. The more important is that Chinese net police deny my domain named Godaddy hostting IP, it's so terrible!
I recognise that the content in my site is fitting for everybody, but it's not adult site and useful for so many people life.
But the net police don't think's why my site couldn't running on via mainland hostting and I select the oversea hostting.
Url of my site is .is it a adult site?
Don't give up and change myself to fitting the environment, so I decide that to change the site appearance and look for a service for a steady-going status.

Monday, April 6, 2009 start

I have posted the first post in , it means my Chinese blog life start. It's fresh regional that I should learn so much new knowledge.

For example I should learn how to build the relations between other blogger. It's so important that it would effect wosoho's future. Blog is a communication and the relation between blogger and viewers is the first.

Then the tool of blog is other important, you can find so many new tool in some successful blog, for example Twitter and facebook or other plug . Most of they be created in English and it's more useful in western blog.

But I wouldn't imporve wosoho in this month, I'm a newbie and I know there are double work following rash decide.the only work in next month is one post each day and test a variety of function plug.

It's a personal blog talking about how to begin your soho plan and how to enjoy your soho life.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Beijing ABC

After Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, there are so many people want to know oldest Beijing, in fact Beijing is a fasion city today.

And you couldn't know the truely Beijing from western media, the best way is coming to Beijing and view my new blog about Beijing:, in which my friend lived in Beijing would update the news and its history.

Two viewer give a feedback in beijingABC yesterday, it's good news for my friend, and I believe he would work hardly in next day. There are a question that why no one comment in my personal blog?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

China Block YouTube

YouTube is most popular video sharing site in the world, and is production belong to Google inc as same as From Monday of this week, the viewers in china mainland couldn't land on The reason is China govement block Youtube.

It's not the first time that China block foreign site. In long period we couldn't use

There are a few guesswork about the reason, I think it's because Chinese govement don't want to be effected by limitless freedom from west. The different value and life style lead the warp and unfair over China.How many people know Tiben? Why did you reject Olympic?If you want to know China, please come here, don't believe the lie in the paper. Could you spend few minutes to read the hides behind a facade of non-violence?

Of course, I don't recognize we are right all time.I hope you could hear our voice.

In fact,YouTube isn't popular in Chinese internet users same with US, so China block Youtube isn't big effect for common person's life. Most people share video in Tudou or Youku.As a company focusing on make money,Google and YouTube should know how to keep the site runing normally, not to discussing the political thinking.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wosoho.Com And Soho

March 23,I registered domain mean I want to soho.And wo is I in Chinese.

It have been ten day after's expiration date, And it's lucky that there are not other compete, I would haven't chance to get it if there are.

Soho is abbreviation of small office home office. Mostly people regard it as make money online.Actually soho include other factor, for example free lance and artist.its antonym is staff in office, The most difference between two is free schedule. and it's because that so many people want to be a soho. In, I would talk about how to begin your soho plan. But you should know Chinese.

As one life style, there aren't any fixed rule fitting with soho. In my preliminary plan the categories are website,blogger,saler online and fun during soho, which are method of soho.

And the title would be:I soho by telling people how to soho.

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's Diffculty To Find Hot Keywords

Actually I know it's diffculty to find hot keywords early, so many competitors are pointing on google and Yahoo, and I just a new guy entering this field.

Now  I used to find hot keywords by google trend and Yahoo! Buzz Index, which be apply so universal that any little dynamic should bring huge content about related keywords. Even if my blogger appear in search result, the result just is blog search, how many are people using it?

On the other hand, I'm not live in US, I couldn't know what's the hotest and what would be hot in the first time. More serious is that I don't understand what's means of those words, for example shauna raisch , not any language tools could tell me the means.

Perhaps blogging passively and focusing one aspect is fitting for me. so I create a new blog in blogspot, talking about Resume Samples, I think it's useful and popular while so many people find jobs.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Domain is Brand

Essentiality of domain don't need any intro. And the sub-url as just is a excess, no guy can develop their blog base on third party.

I don't care the related expense about domain and space, the key question is how to find a domain, which would be a brand belong to me.

In my blog construct plan, I should build two blog with Chinese and English, but they have the same problem:domain. I have thought out a domain fitting with Chinese content, which is ringing and short, just six letter.but it haven't released after expiration date and I find its status is pendingDelete, perhaps I could register after five days without any other competition.

As for English blog, I have not any idea. the maybe is a good choice, at least so many person blog's domain is their first name, as much as I know, the JohnChow dot com is the famous example. Even though I have read a post that JohnChow is regret.

In fact, I enjoy some originality domain, which is novelty and difficulty to forget. For example withink,it's good to understand it's complex with with and think.howhy is another example. But it's others' creation.

Maybe some online tools could give me a little I know the registrars can help suggest good domain name ideas.After I type in the domain name I want, the online tool tell will suggest a list of other domain that I might be interested in, which usually add words before of after your search term. by now I still have not get any valuable suggest from it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

From Chinese To English Website

Time has passed half a year after previous update, I still did not do anything for my English SEO process.

But there are a good news,my chinese website is back on track, near ten thousand let me have almost one hundred RMB income each day.And I get more idea about how to get more traffic, the near target is that the income reach two hundred RMB every day before July.

Of course, the process is more difficult than talk. At first I couldn't find trustworthy host, almost all IDC need check website content base on unconscionable standard, I transfer my site to Godaddy, the largest IDC in the world.

Although the host price is more cheap, there are still two hidden danger, first is the host speed and another is the IP. Due to the viewer is come from mainland, so the hosting in oversea could not service speedy as domestic IDC. it's lucky that the negative impact is less than expected.

The problem about IP is that the director department would limit netizen browse some site oversea sometimes. it's unpredictable.

My new hosting have 150GB space and 1500GB bandwidth every month, the current bandwidth usage is 3000M each day and the monthly usage is just 90G, which is a tiny fraction of all. So the plan of English site can restart.

In next day I need to decide blow question:
1st: the blogger or website using content management system?
2nd: the content focus on one field or chase hot topics from google trend?

If the culling base on my interest, the answer is blogging my life in English as this blog. On the other side, I can not refuse the satisfaction accompanied by huge IP and income. After all make money online is many people's target.