Sunday, August 10, 2008

Habits Of User

It's most difficult to understand the search habits of user. Americans use different keyword while accessing the same information from search engine. And some factors affect search habit,for example culture and lifestyle.

So how to select keyword isn't simple selecting words.and my english SEO training isn't just learning english spelling.In view of this,I begin to view various news from western website,for example , and other media.

In fact, understanding the search habit of user is helpful for selecting keyword that could get good rank in google with easy work.There are so many keyword that many user concern without lot page indexed by google.Because I'm familiar with Chinese and live in China, so while selecting keyword I could find so many related keyword without competition high-rank website.

But google trend isn't only keyword tool,I ever depend on it and the effect is bad. The keyword displayed on google trend has short timeliness, While arranging the page and indexed by google, the related keyword has dropped out the list.

Although that, I still can learn the search habits while matter happen. happened time, name of parties etc, which is the attention?In this regard there are not one keyword tool can equal to google trend.

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